Radio microphone.


Create and air your radio ads with us. Whether you’re looking for spots, sponsorships, or live broadcasting, we can help. With 26 unique radio stations across Minnesota and North Dakota, we’ll help you find the right audience and messaging. Selling cowboy boots in St. Cloud? Try Wild Country 99. Looking for sports fans? They’re listening to Knox News 107.9.



Connect with your customers in person. Events are a great way to get high-volume, immediate exposure to your business. Set up a booth or secure sponsorship at one of our signature events like Craft Beer Tours, Kids and Parents Expo, and Wine Knot.

Media Consultants creating a marketing strategy.


Our sister brand, Leighton Engage, partners with us to offer integrated digital marketing. Elevate your radio campaign with matching digital ads or take your brand to the next level with a full digital strategy. They specialize in website work, social media, paid media, content marketing, as well as training and tools.

Leighton Video capturing a panel event.


Engage your audience with video. We can help concept and create stories that convert viewers into customers. Whether it's for TV, web, social, or all of the above, we develop video that’s authentic and offers a maximum return on investment.

“What sets them apart is their personal attention. They have my best interest at heart.”

John Bestgen, Bachman Jewelers
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Three Leighton Media team members striking a pose.

Get Started on Your Strategy

Tell us what you want and we’ll help you get there.